Request an Account

With an account, you can submit your events to be approved/moderated by admins. Keep in mind admins are volunteers, and this is a free service. Be polite. And follow these Rules.

  1. Events must be within the Halifax Area (Halifax, Dartmouth, Bedford). A general rule of thumb is if you can bus to it from Downtown Halifax in about an hour or less it’s close enough.
  2. Events must be something for people to do. Not just ads for a drink special or sale. The only retail events we will approve are markets, popups, or new store openings.
  3. All content should be appropriate for posting on Instagram. If it violates Instagram’s terms of service, it will not be approved. Content is auto-posted to Instagram from this site.
  4. Submit your events here well in advance of the event. No guarantees speed of moderation will be offered. This is a free service, moderation will be done when moderators have time to moderate content.

Not following these rules will lead to your events not being posted, and repeat issues or advertising of things outside of the Halifax area may result in account deletion.